Jane is a proven leader in utility management. With 24 years experience as a utility commissioner, Jane has the skills, knowledge and understanding to lead Clark Public Utilities into the future.
Connected to and active within our community, Jane brings an informed, balanced perspective to the utility board of commissioners.
Jane is a customer advocate who prioritizes excellent customer service, reliable and efficient use of our power and water resources, and affordable, stable rates.
To the Clark Public Utilities customer owners:
We need a proven, engaged, and effective leader.
As a Clark Public Utilities/PUD Commissioner, I actively promote outstanding customer service, energy and water conservation and efficiency, efficient and effective management, and our community and environmental programs. As a customer advocate, I work to provide reliable power and water service at affordable rates.
Clark Public Utilities is known for its excellent customer service. Customers can reach us with on-line resources, My- Account access, and 24-7 live customer service representatives. And the utility is a twelve-time winner of the prestigious J.D. Power award for customer satisfaction.
Conservation and efficient use of power and water allow the utility to avoid costly investments in new resources. Since 2010, we have exceeded our regionally set energy conservation goals. We offer rebates, incentives, and low interest loans for heating and cooling, weatherization, and solar energy. We have invested in renewables with a community solar facility and the Combine Hills Wind Project.
The utility continues to operate very efficiently with no electrical rate increase in nine years or a water rate increase in eight years. Additionally, we provided customers three bill credits. Finally, our annual operation and maintenance costs are the lowest per customer of any electric utility in Washington.
Commitment to our community and the environment is evident throughout the utility. Operation WarmHeart, Senior Rate Credit, and Guarantee of Service programs assists low income customers. Tree planting and watershed restoration, student field trips, Home and Garden Idea Fair, Earth Day Fest, and the Solar Car Challenge teach and improve our community.
The utility needs strong proven leadership regarding our power and water supply and utility budgets. My experience, commitment, and legal background will continue to provide this leadership.
Your support for my reelection is greatly appreciated. I look forward to serving you.